Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Cool people are almost dead.

Sometimes distance and time do help us to open up our eyes and to realize who are your true friends really are. Forgive me for judging, but people these days really should learn to be 'real'. Seriously. All of these people whose seeking for cheap attention....and faking who they are from the social network than who they really are in person. It's sad and pathetic. I'm happy with what I have. Not much, but I'm happy. My friend if 'fun' is everything you expected thruout your life, than i guess you are in a big trouble in the future. Don't be such a fool. Don't be such a baby. It's time to grow up. Learn the hard way to get true strength. Something I would wish for is - to die, and looking back to my whole life and say " My life is perfect ". I really can't make any conclusions about my life right now because you'll never know what will come in the future. But for now.... life is great. :) Would love to go to LA though... hahah :p And Australia. And Italy... Nowhere else I could wish for than Mecca. InsyaAllah. And Dubai! Um....would be nice if I could visit Aman in Mesir. It would also be nice to have a white horse. And a dolphin. And a diploma, degree, master, Phd, on medics. That would be so nice. Daymn, need to stop dreaming. Tapikan, Paris would be nice also. My mind is so beautiful right now.

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